Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is Edward Cullen A Major Jerk? See what Hollywoodcrush finds out from Rob Pattinson

He'll shield you from runaway minivans, scale ancient Evergreens with you tucked safely on his back and even serenade you with a soothing lullaby on the piano. Edward Cullen is basically the world's best—dead or undead—boyfriend ever. Or is he? We've got to admit, some of the bloodsucker's behavior in the upcoming "Twilight" sequel seems a bit—dare we say it?—jerky. When we caught up with actor Robert Pattinson at a press junket in Beverly Hills, we couldn't help but ask if Edward really is a tool. And we had some pretty damning evidence in hand. 

In "New Moon" Edward makes his first appearance whizzing into the Forks High school parking lot in his signature Volvo. But when the vamp parks his sweet ride he takes up not one, not two but three (!!) parking spots. Kind of a douchey move, right? After blaming director Chris Weitz for the parking faux pas, Robert rationalized the maneuver saying, "I think [Edward did it] because that was the only spot, there weren't any other spots available. It would be less of a dramatic entrance if I'm, like, backing up into something," he added with a laugh.

See the complete article and video from Hollywoodcrush HERE