Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Will Dakota Fanning deserve an Oscar for her portrayal of Cherie Currie in 'The Runaways'

Five days of 'The Runaways'! A fake tattoo foreshadowed Dakota Fanning's starring role as Cherie Currie

Sometimes it's the little signs that point toward big roles -- like Dakota Fanning playing singer Cherie Currie in "The Runaways."

And in this case, that little sign was a little bit of body art.

Currie, chatting at the Sundance Film Festival, talked about when she and Fanning met over lunch to discuss re-creating her persona on the big screen. Fanning revealed to Currie that her journey to their table had started with a classmate who was holding some temporary tattoos.

Dakota's friend had brought the arty stickies to school, Currie said. "She picked a single cherry and put it on her arm."

When Fanning got home that day, her mother was holding the script for "The Runaways."

As Currie tells it, Joy Fanning said, "Dakota you’re not going to believe this. I’m holding this script and you would play a girl who has a cherry tattoo."

After that, Fanning hit it off with director Floria Sigismondi, and a new Cherie was born.

For Currie, a mom and recovering addict, there was nobody but Fanning for the part.

"She’s a prodigy, she’s incredibly unique," she said. "I think she deserves an Academy Award, I'm going to say that right now."

Check out more on Dakota's transformation in our official Sundance coverage here. Do you think she's worthy of Oscar gold?
-- Matt Donnelly

Photo: Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart as Cherie Currie and Joan Jett in "The Runaways." Credit: Apparition Films.