Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kristen Stewart On 'Runaways' Nerves: 'I Was Intimidated By The Singing Part'

We average American audiences still have another two months to wait until "The Runaways" hits theaters, but those lucky enough to have attended Sundance this past week already had their first look during the film's premiere. Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning chatted with MTV about how they felt going into the film.

"I'm so glad that we can let other people know [about the story]. I had never even heard of the story, and a lot of young people hadn't," Kristen said about how she was happy she joined the film.

As for whether they found any aspect of the film particularly daunting, Dakota seemed to have taken it all in stride. "I wasn't dreading anything, actually. I was just really excited to actually do it. It's one of those things, like, you don't know how it's going to feel until you're actually there. And for me, 'Cherry Bomb' was really what kind of summed the experience up for me," Dakota said.

Kristen had a different take on her approach to the film, saying Dakota's "got it" while she needs to keep herself nervous about the project.

"I need to be thinking that this is the hardest job that I'll ever have to do, because I need to make myself nervous a little bit," she said. "And I was intimidated by the singing part, even though it's not as much as what [Dakota] has to do. Joan has such a distinct sound, and I didn't want to sound stupid. I didn't want to sound like I didn't sound anything like her."

Apparently by the time they finished shooting Kristen felt she'd done a good enough job considering the fact she and Dakota joined Joan on stage (though they didn't sing) at a Sundance party.

SOURCE: HollywodCrush