Thursday, November 5, 2009

Alpha Leader of the Pack sits down with Seventeen Magazine!

New Moon Werewolf Chaske Spencer Visits Seventeen!!

New Moon werewolf Chaske Spencer, who plays Sam Uley, dropped by Seventeen to give us the low down on the Twilight the vampires v. werewolves cliques! Read more to find out how this hottie werewolf is adjusting to the spotlight and what it's like working with Taylor Lautner!

17: What's it like entering this New Moon world?

Chaske Spencer: It's like a hurricane! It's like you are in the eye of the hurricane when you are on set - everything is calm. Then you step out of set and everything in chaos. You don't really feel it until after you come out of production. But it's getting crazy. A few people have recognized me on the street already.

17: Did they prepare you for this? Or, did you assume it would be crazy?

CS: Not really, I didn't know how big this was going to get. When I got to set on New Moon, they talked about how it was going to change your life. I thought, yeah, yeah, yeah. When we started filming Eclipse, that's when it really started kicking in. We had paparazzi everywhere. We can't just walk down the street anymore in Vancouver.

17: Can you tell us about any crazy fans?

CS: We had a couple of girls specifically fly in and they got rooms at our hotel and they would wait there. Girls would also camp out right below our hotel balconies. You would look over the balcony and wave and just hear screams. There were a couple of girls that got on the set of Eclipse. It was really funny because I don't think they expected to make it that far. Once they got there, they just stood there with these wide eyes. Then they realized they got through security - and security is pretty tight! They had to get escorted off, but I give them credit for getting through.

Read the entire interview from 'Seventeen Magazine' here!