Friday, September 17, 2010

’The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn’ filming location date details revealed - National Twilight |

More recent news indicates they may be back building Bella's house sooner. Last week (September 8th) I offered a backwards Movie Location Tour and started the Tour off in Surrey. My guests wanted to visit the location of Bella's House even though there was nothing at that location.

Upon our arrival I spotted two very familiar production people at the site speaking with a third woman. I recognized Abraham Fraser, the locations manager with New Moon and Eclipse and his assistant who was ever present at Kerry Park during the construction of Bella's House and the subsequent dismantling of the house.

I knew they had booked Kerry Park well into 2011 and it was just our good luck to see these production people ironing out the finer details of the contracts to build Bella's house once more.

It takes about three weeks to construct Bella's House and two weeks to tear it down.

I was interested in the timeline of construction. The group confirmed to me they would be back in January. North Shore Studios said they were setting up offices but nothing is listed at the B.C. Film Commission or the Directors Guild of Canada. They are flying under the radar.

My sources have confirmed the only role they were casting a few weeks ago was that of Renessme at an older age.

A new nugget of information came to light yesterday when I was told the Cullen House had been shipped to the sound stage in Baton Rouge and is currently under constructed. You may recall the Cullen mansion was a perfect replica to the famed "Nike House" near Portland Oregon. It was build at Canada Motion Picture Park in Burnaby for all the interior Cullen house scenes. It would have been nice to have the house constructed at the same location but unfortunatley for us in Vancouver, that did not happen.

Other sources have confirmed they will not be using Jacob Black's house until the new year.

SOURCE: NewsGirl News