Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This 1 song off KOL's new Album 'Come Around Sundown' turned the DH into a FAN!

My wonderful husband for part of my anniversary present took me to see Kings of Leon Monday night 9/20/10 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater just outside of Birmingham, AL  - he has never understood my obsession with KOL, simply saying he really did not care for their music - now this is a man that LOVES music of many different genres!!! 

My daughter turned me on to KOL, long before that infamous night in Vancouver last year, and I had been loving them for almost a year prior to that concert!  My daughter and I saw KOL at the BJCC in Birmingham last October - and I can easily say, that was one of the very best concerts I had ever seen (and I have seen a lot of concerts!!!) Well let me tell you Monday night blew that concert from last October out of the water!!!!

My husband really was not looking forward to this concert - grumbling each time I brought up the date, talked about the concert etc.  I just kept saying to him "just wait until you see them, you will enjoy the show"

So Monday rolls around, we leave work early in the afternoon, head out to Pelham for the show, with the DH still complaining......Well the Whigs take the stage, then The Black Keys (he was impressed with their muscianship) and then KOL takes the stage!  Surprisingly I look over and right off the bat he is taking pictures on his cell phone - I HAVE HOPE now!!!  And then the 4th song of the night begins and all of a sudden he is standing up!!!  WHAT???? Could he be interested?????  Well to be totally honest, I really don't know, because at that point, I was too into the concert!!!  Let's just say, I'm hoping he's enjoying the show, because I was loving it!  I thought last October's concert was good ---well this concert was AWESOME! KOL was rocking the house!!!! 

FAST FORWARD -- I get home from the office last night and the DH has a late night on Tuesday evenings so he's still at his work - so finally he gets home and I'm uploading pics from the concert to my blog.  He immediately starts asking me what the name of this one song was.  OMG -- I don't know!!!  WHAT???? I don't know which song he's talking about?????  I spend the next couple of hours trying to research which song it could be - well to no avail, I just don't know!  (I know bad FANGIRL). 

Well this morning I'm at the office and I get the following text from the hubs!:

"the song is called MARY.  love that song.  the rest is just ok to good.  this song mary is the best thing I've heard since BEAST OF BURDEN.  If they did more like that...I would get a Mary tattoo and wear their t-shirts.  Can't believe you didn't know it had to be this song...MARY" (SIDE NOTE THE HUBS CURRENTLY HAS NO TATTOO)

OMG - the DH is loving KOL!!!  My son calls me this afternoon and tells me I've created a monster that ever since he got home this afternoon his daddy has been blaring KOL songs!!!  TOTAL WIN!!!! 

So please enjoy that song that has made my husband a TRUE KOL FAN!!!!