Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How Close Will Bella & Rosalie get in the film adaptation of Breaking Dawn?

    Nikki Reed Says Rosalie And Bella Are 'Going To Get Really Close' In 'Breaking Dawn'

We've been talking a lot over the past week about Rosalie's developing relationship with Bella in "Breaking Dawn" because Nikki Reed was more than willing to chat about the upcoming installments of "The Twilight Saga" while promoting her upcoming indie "Last Day of Summer."

Fans who have read the book understand that Rosalie's infatuation with Bella's baby stems mostly out of her own inability as a vampire to have a child. This is something that is discussed at length in the novel, and something Nikki hopes will also make its way into the film.

She said she was happy with the way Rosalie's backstory played out in "Eclipse" and hopes that she gets a chance to do something similar in the next two films.

"With 'Breaking Dawn,' we're only going to go deeper into that," Nikki said. "I haven't read the script — I don't know what it's going to be like — but I think Melissa [Rosenberg]'s done a great job in keeping them pretty close to the books. I can't think of anything we've missed in the films. I have faith that Bella and I are going to get really close."

Hopefully that relationship will be explained in the film so audiences can understand why the typically cold Rosalie all of the sudden has Bella's back in her pregnancy controversy. If not, non-readers might be a bit baffled.

"I find that people who've read the books kind of understand Rosalie, and that's been the biggest challenge with playing her — when you make this series, clearly it has to revolve around this epic love story. The rest of us are kind of fighting in the background to have any kind of moment," she said. "You're always afraid that the moment you do have, you'll overdo because you wanted to have something behind it, even if it's just a look or a sentence or a glance."

Since "Breaking Dawn" has been split into two films, we're hoping the filmmakers find the time to incorporate the Rosalie subplot into the story. We'll save those looks and sentences and glances for Rosalie and Jacob's hilarious animosity that springs up during the Jacob portion of the films.

Do you think it's important that Rosalie's motives are explained in the film? Do you think the filmmakers have done a good job with her character thus far?  Leave Your Thoughts And Comments Below!

SOURCE: HollywoodCrush