Tuesday, April 27, 2010

MTV Eclusive New 'ECLIPSE' Still of Riley & The Newborn Army

Hopefully the Media Blitz is vamping (PUN INTENDED) up!  MTV has this exclusive still of Riley leading Victoria's Newborn Army as they descend on Forks!

'Eclipse' EXCLUSIVE New Still: Xavier Samuel Leads The Newborn Army

In what was perhaps once of the best moments in the second "Eclipse" trailer, we saw Victoria's (Bryce Dallas Howard) newborn army ominously follow her right-hand man, Riley (Xavier Samuel), into a body of water and then suddenly emerge on the other side with the stern look of vengeance in their eyes.

If you've been thinking about that scene ever since you watched the trailer on Friday (and no doubt on a continuous loop over the weekend), then get ready to be chilled all over again! In honor of Summer Movie Preview Week here on MTV News, we're bringing you an EXCLUSIVE new still from "Eclipse"!

While we're sad Bree Tanner (Jodelle Ferland) doesn't seem to be in the picture, it still got our hearts pumping as we realized this had be the scene when Victoria sends her newborn army to Forks in preparation for the final confrontation. If we looked that good soaked in muddy lake water, we'd probably use that as our mode of transportation, too!

SOURCE: HollywoodCrush